How to participate

Eligible activities

The Erasmus BIP program envisaged by this Call, aims to unite groups of students who will undertake a training course consisting of:
– Virtual mobility:

new internationalization tool for the curriculum studiorum that allows you to enter
in online relationship with teachers, students and students of foreign universities, through a training program that allows you to achieve specific learning outcomes.
Its main features are listed below:

  1. It is a compulsory and complementary activity to physical mobility;
    It does not provide for the attribution of any financial contribution;
    The start, the period of development and its duration are defined on the basis of the learning objectives of the proposed activity.

– Short physical mobility:

As part of the Erasmus SSML International BIP provided for in this Call, short physical mobility:
1.  may be held at the Universidad Internacional Isabel I de Castilla;

  1. provides for the attribution of specific financial contributions in accordance with the provisions of art. 6 of this announcement;
    it can have a duration ranging from a minimum of 5 days up to a maximum of 30 days, on the basis of what is defined by the International BIP SSML;
    it must be started and carried out in compliance with the calendar established by the BIP;

At the end of the BIP, all students who have taken part in it will obtain the recognition of a number of ECTS which varies according to the provisions of the BIP training program, starting from a minimum of 3 ECTS (3 CFU). The recognition of credits will be carried out as part of one’s study career.

Application requirements

To access the selection for the Erasmus Blended Intensive Program (BIP) it is necessary:
– be regularly enrolled in the academic year 2022/2023 to the course of study in Linguistic Mediation;
– be citizens of a Member State or of another country participating in the Program

Application for participation

Students in possession of the requirements described above interested in participating in the Erasmus mobility for study must complete and send their application by 2 May 2023 at 13.00 to the address attaching a valid identification document.

Selezione e criteri di valutazione

According to the regulations of the ECHE – Erasmus 2021-2027 charter and the rules of the Erasmus + Program it is necessary, in order to take part in the mobility provided for by the Erasmus + Program, to demonstrate a level of knowledge of the language of the country in which you intend to spend the study period (or of English for those countries where teaching is taught in this language), equal to or higher than level B2, defined according to the rules of the “European Reference Framework”, subject to competitive examination by the Selection Committee for this announcement Erasmus BIP.

The ranking is drawn up on the basis of the following evaluation criteria:

– the average and number of credits obtained;

– the result of the motivational interview and the level of knowledge of the required language.


Average Votes Accrued credits Language Motivation Total Percentage
25 25 30 20 100


Those who are not present at the selection interview will be considered as having renounced.

The Erasmus office reserves the right to indicate any time changes in good time. For more details, students are asked to consult the specific section dedicated to the Erasmus Program on the University website on the day following the deadline for the call.

Below you can view the complete announcement and download the application form.